Front Porch Summer Fashions

Light field photography by Maring Visuals
Music Provided by Triple Scoop Music
On my front porch at our Connecticut country home with my English Mastiffs, who are two of my best friends and confidants...
Creative New Camera Technology
Photographer Charles Maring holding a Lytro Illum
If you are wondering how the video above was produced with creative animations that come in and out of focus then read on... This post is unique in that it was photographed with a light field camera called the Lytro Illum. As seen in the video above, the Lytro Illum has the ability to capture depth in a completely new way offering artists the capability to refocus their photographs in post production, create interactive images, or produce creative video animations as shared in the video above.
Charles Maring is skilled in light field photography and has been using the Lytro Illum extensivley to break the creative boundaries and explore the possibilities of the exciting new technology.
Jennifer's Outfit and Personal Style
Summer Fashions by The Limited
Wedge Heals - Coconuts by Matisse Footwear