Creativity is Never Closed

Welcome to our studio vlog where creativity is never closed for business. It’s May 1st, 2020 and we are all in the thick of the Covid 19 / Corona Virus pandemic. The state of Connecticut is still on lockdown, and it’s been mandated that we close our business now for over a month. All of our weddings, events, commercial, corporate, and portrait work that we normally rely on for income are postponed at the moment. We are small business owners, so yes we feel the pressures like everyone else. No small business loan has come through, neither has a stimulus check yet. That’s ok, we will find a way. We have savings, we have faith, and we have our health. Mostly, we are just thankful that we are safe and our loved ones are healthy. Our hearts go out to all.
“Folks, inspiration doesn’t find you. Don’t wait for it… Rather, action on your part feeds inspiration. Take action, and you’ll have inspiration in abundance.”
70x84 Oil on Canvas work in progress
We are optimistic about the future even though the past few weeks have been humbling. We see potential everywhere and opportunities ahead of us, and are working on bringing them to fruition one step at a time. Even as I write this, we are planning and excited about the days ahead when we can re-open and get back to work. One thing that has helped us stay the course, and our sanity in check, is creativity and art. We believe that the best way to honor those who have fallen, and those on the front lines is to stay home and do our part to keep others safe. Or, if we do go out, to do so in a way that is respectful and caring such as to go out into nature where we are socially isolated. We also feel that we as artists must play our role. That means we keep creating, and that’s what we are doing.
Over the past few weeks I’ve made progress on paintings, have done creative nature photo-walks which we have filmed and shared on all of our channels, have written a song in tribute to those on the front lines, produced and recorded the song, and then launched it on Spotify, Apple Music, etc… I’ve also taken part in a live stream in order to support a local music venue and help raise funds for their workers. We are as busy as we have ever been, and while we don’t have any income we are growing by honing our skillsets. The one thing about being self taught and motivated is that no matter what the future holds financially we will be ok. It’s not the gear that allows us to succeed, it’s the skills we obtain. We are an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.
Acoustic Live Streaming in support of a local music venue during the crisis.
A lot of artists emotionally shut down in times of distress. The smart ones take action in the direction of their dreams regardless. I’ve seen some say that they are having a tough time finding inspiration. Folks, inspiration doesn’t find you. Don’t wait for it… Rather, action on your part feeds inspiration. Take action, and you’ll have inspiration in abundance. As a metaphor…. you don’t need to know what you are going to paint. Get your canvas, mix some colors, and move the paint around. Keep an open mind, watch, and listen to the universe. Simply by moving the paint around, that action alone will show you a direction. If it doesn’t at first, keep working, keep moving the paint. At some point, you’ll see something unexpected. Maybe an eye for instance that you couldn’t have consciously drawn. Then, work backwards using your imagination, and let the masterpiece unfold be before you.
You see, creativity is never closed. Inspiration is only waiting for you to take charge. So, do your part, play your role, and when this is all over you’ll be smarter and have new skills to put to use. Regardless of the financials, you will be a force to be reckoned with. Keep on keeping on!
All the best… Charles and Jennifer
A Walk Amongst the Fallen
In the video above we take a photo walk in nature at Sleeping Giant State Park in Hamden, CT. This particular trail runs along the Quinnipiac River, and it’s an area we have hiked numerous times over the years. A tornado came through these woods a couple of years ago and wiped out a beautiful pine forest, which used to have such beautiful light in the afternoons that it is forever embedded in our memories. We’ve been taking photo-walks each week, filming them, and sharing them on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. The photographs below are created on the Lumix S1R with a Sigma 14-24mm f/2.8 Art L mount lens. The video of this footage was filmed by Jennifer Maring on the Lumix GH5 with a Leica 12-60 f/2.8-4.0. Not all photo-walks are created equal, but there is always some beauty to be shared. Your mindset often reflects how you are seeing the world as well. Today, there was some symbolism before our eyes reflected in the fallen trees around us. Much like the corona virus has ripped through all of our lives, this forest was victim to a tornado. We are walking amongst the fallen these days, but around us is also new life. So, keep flowing like a river and feeding your dreams throughout these uncertain times. This forest will come back again, and we as people will find ways to honor the fallen, and make our own come back as well.