Dance - Our Reel Life Chapter 23

An unscripted web show, starring Charles and Jennifer Maring, that takes you behind the scenes of their creative journey as a married couple who make their living as artists.
All Shot on the Lumix GH4
Studio lighting by Profoto
Dancer / Model Courtney Bouchard
This episode of Our Reel Life has been a long time coming though simply because we needed to focus heavily this Spring on making sure we can deliver on all of our promises to clients. One of the challenges of being a successful artist is keeping the balance, so if we go into hiatus that means we are working our tails off, and keeping our word.
New Maring Visuals Website
We started our wedding season several weeks ago, and are excited about so many amazing events ahead this summer. We are nearly at our capacity as we can really only handle 25 weddings over the summer before we have to start turning down business. It's not fun having to say no, so if you are engaged, get on the phone and call soon as 2016 is booming. We rolled out a new website for Maring Visuals as well with a brand new look very similar to Together In Style. We love this new look as it allows the photographs to speak volumes. Our portrait season is now in full swing as well, so we are shooting portraits Tuesday - Thursday mid week. Again, we have a lot to balance, but love being busy as most artist do.
Charles creating photographs for his Charlee Fine Art Fashion line
Charlee Fine Art Fashions has been taking off quite smoothly, and we are excited about lots of creative photo-shoots to come. Charles is wrapping up several new paintings, and we will be rolling out some new looks for summer. This episode takes you behind the scenes of one of the fashion photo-shoots we created for the brand. Our athleisure leggings is so perfect for athletics such as dance, yoga, running, or the gym that we are producing photo-shoots around those lifestyles currently. This was the first, surrounding a dancer which was a lot of fun. Special thanks to Courtney Bouchard our model / dancer! hosts fine art oil paintings, photographs, fashions, and more.
We also launched another website at which hosts and makes available Charles' oil paintings, limited edition fine art photographs, digital art, and fashions as well. We thought it best to build a different place to house the fine art work separate from the Maring Visuals website as not to confuse the two.
Well thats a wrap for this episode and what we have been up to. Look forward to sharing more throughout the summer months!