First Portrait test with the Lumix S1

Lumix S1 Portrait Tests
Join us BTS as we do Panasonic Lumix S1 experiments. Today we are creating environmental portraits at Silver City Ballroom in Meriden, CT. It's a really cool space to work in as they have a sophisticated lighting system that will allow us to create some interesting looks. The Lumix S1 is an interesting camera for wedding and portrait photographers. We adore Panasonic's Micro 4/3 camera systems like the G9, GH5, and GH5s and have been working with Lumix G cameras for quite some time. We enjoy the diversity of lenses, and the compact size of Lumix G. The S1 has it's own perks, that we can't deny. The full frame DOF and the ISO performance is really nice, which opens up the door to working with lenses like the Lumix 24-205 f/4 in darker situations. I don't think Lumix S is better than Lumix G. Rather it's a personal preference as each has their sweet spots and advantages. Both systems are capable of creating high end professional imagery. Right now, the S1 camera we have is pre-production and there is no way to process the RAW files, or make an honest assessment. We expect that Adobe and other RAW conversion software platforms are working on that. We look forward to doing a full review once we have a final version of the Panasonic Lumix S series cameras.