Heaven Sent

I am stepping out of my comfort zone, and jumping off the edge... Outside Reality, the band I started sitting in with about a year ago, is starting to come together. Which, to be honest is pretty amazing considering everyone's work schedules. Together myself and some long time friends have been writing original music, and our set is tightening up. Each of us comes from a wide set of inspirations from jazz to prog, to metal, to country. Yet together we definitely have a sound that is Rock'n Roll flowing naturally... Which, brings me to this post...
I've always wanted my art to be socially engaging, and music is a step in that direction. Music gives us all a reason to leave our house, and also a reason to put down our phones or mobile devices and enjoy the world around us. So, in 2018 one of my goals is to blend my art and music together by creating opportunities for us to all get together and celebrate.
Music has also offered up some new ideas creatively as well. I've been filming our live practice jams, recording the jams into Logic, and re-purposing old footage in order to create music video shorts. It is allowing us to be creating at the intersection of human ideas, art, and technology all at once.
Please take a moment and follow our progression on our new Facebook Page @OutsideRealityBand where we will post our music, and upcoming events. I hope you'll join us on this incredible journey of music and art.