SUMMER SHOOTS - Our Reel Life Web Series

OUR REEL LIFE Web Series - Episode 4 "SUMMER SHOOTS"
An unscripted web show, starring Charles and Jennifer Maring, that takes you behind the scenes of their creative journey as a married couple who make their living as artists.
It's one of those evenings after a long day of work, and the truth is we are both exhausted from being on the move, and getting it all done. We want to escape for food, but have no idea where we are going. Seems we always frequent the same places over and over, and tonight we want to try something different but are caught between Thai food or Italian, and need to decide.
Photography and Video by Maring Visuals
Cameras used and seen Lumix GH4 and Lytro
Photographic Lighting by Profoto
As photographers in New England our season is in high gear at the moment. June - December is simply crazy and the Fall is always about as much as we can handle. It's been a summer filled with weddings and senior portrait sessions, and now it's back to school time. Once schools are in session the phone rings off the hook with last minute parents and students frantic to get in for portraits before the yearbook deadline which equals early mornings and late evenings for us. Here is a link to our senior portrait photography on our MARING VISUALS website. We have an amazing lifestyle studio in Connecticut, and have designed it to have endless creative looks and options for all types of photo-shoots.
Fall is also high season for weddings in the Northeast. Couples dreaming of fall foliage for their wedding means that we are usually booked out far in advance for most weekends, and this year it's no different. We only take on 25 weddings each year, but since there are only 20 weekends from June - October it means we are pretty much booked out every weekend in the summer Summer and Fall months. We started posting feature weddings here on Together In Style, and you should see Helen and Michael's wedding from Cipriani 42nd Street in NYC. It's over the top, and the photographs are spectacular. Here is a link to the feature wedding.
The winter is when we try to take a little time for one another. We have been talking about another sailing trip to the BVI for just the two of us, as we have sailed these islands 7 times. It's so beautiful that it never gets old. We usually go with a large group of family, and everybody has been hinting about going. We travel for work constantly, but what we love about sailing is that we are completely unplugged when we go simply because we have no other choice. There is a series of posts surrounding our BVI adventures in the Travel Category here on Together In Style.
Well it's back to work now... We have to keep moving as there is much to accomplish and deadlines to meet.