Valentines Day Recipe - Chocolate Glazed Cherry Nut Cake

Valentines Day Recipe - Chocolate Glazed Cherry Nut Cake

Jennifer Maring's
Cherry Nut Cake with Chocolate Glaze

A Sweet Treat for Valentines Day

Valentines Day is very special to myself and Charles as our wedding fell on February 13th on a Valentines weekend. I thought it would be fun to share a little blast from the past. My mom was a baker growing up, so this time of year, as well as throughout wedding season our home was filled with the smell and tastes of delicious cakes. Back in the 80's and 90's prior to all of these crazy wedding cake flavors of today one of the favorites was a Cherry Nut Cake. I remember my mom giving me cake tops in my school lunch instead of a Hostess cake, so this brings back fond memories.

My Cherry Nut Cake recipe is quite a bit different from my moms, as I cheat a little using a Betty Crocker Cake Mix to make it go faster. However, I do add my own spin to it. I hope you will try this recipe for Valentines day as it's quick and easy to make, and is sure to impress both your sweetheart and your sweet tooth! Enjoy!!!

Photographs and Video by MARING VISUALS
Filmed on the Panasonic Lumix GH4
Studio Lighting by Profoto

Cake Ingredients

Cherry Nut Cake with Chocolate Glaze Ingredients

Pre heat oven 350
Cherry chip cake mix
1/2 cup oil
3 eggs
1 cup water
1 cup chopped pecans
1 cup chopped dried cherries
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon pure almond extract
Mix with mixer
Spray pan with non stick cooking spray 


Mix the above ingredients well in a mixer. Spray a spring form pan with cooking spray and then poor the ingredients into the pan. 

Bake 1 hour

Cool cake on baking rack
Once cool take cake out of pan
Cut cake top so it will sit even on cake plate.  Keep even cake on rack to glaze with chocolate. 


Chocolate Glaze Ingredients

1/2 cup water
1 cup & 1 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/2 cup heavy cream
4 tablespoons dark chocolate coco powder
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 teaspoon of spiced run * can omit 


Heat on stove top med. do not bring to boil. Keep whisking. Once thickens a bit.  Put pan in ice bath 

In small bowl mix 2 teaspoons of warm water with 1 envelope of plain gelatin.  Mix to dissolve then add to chocolate and whisk.  

Place rack over a big bowl and pour chocolate glaze over. Repeat 2 to 3 times if needed for your desired result.

Jennifer Maring's Chocolate glazed cherry Nut cake for valentines day

Jennifer Maring's Chocolate glazed cherry Nut cake for valentines day

Jennifer Maring is a photographer and video artist that has made creativity a lifestyle, and is a lead contributor to the Together In Style Website.