Weekend At The Standard - Checkout Day

Checkout day of our fun and fashionable stay in NYC at The Standard High Line Hotel.
What we are wearing...
All Saints Vintage Boots, an Express Shirt, Hollister Skinny Jeans, and a Big Chill Vintage faux leather jacket. Camera... Panasonic Lumix GH4 with a Lumix 7-14mm f/4 Lumix G Lens. Location: The Standard High Line Hotel in NYC.
Photography and Video by Maring Visuals
An XRAY faux leather jacket, Uniqlo skinny corderoy pants, an H&M sweatshirt, and All Saints Vintage Boots. Camera... Panasonic Lumix GH4 with a Lumix 7-14mm f/4 Lumix G Lens.

Jennifer Maring
Jennifer Maring is a photographer and video artist that has made creativity a lifestyle, and is a lead contributor to the Together In Style Website.