Give You Strength

Tribute To Those on the Front Lines
of the Covid 19 / Corona Virus Crisis
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Available on Apple Music, Spotify, iTunes etc… April 27th
Written, Recorded and Produced by Artist Charles Maring
Sunday morning I sat down with my acoustic guitar early in the morning feeling grateful for the fact that we are healthy, and safe at home. Like most people around the world the Covid 19 / Corona Virus has thrown us into a world of conflicting and ever changing emotions. But, one thing is for certain I am incredibly grateful for those on the front lines right now. When writing this song I was thinking with great sadness about how many lives are being lost right before our eyes. I pray for the families of those who are sick. I was also thinking about the doctors and nurses, the truck drivers, grocery store workers, the paramedics, police officers, and everyone who is going to work in the face of adversity, and I was feeling thankful for their bravery. Our hearts go out to them.
I’ve also been impressed by so many out there who are playing their own unique role in helping us through. The artists who continue to create, and continue to be self motivated to give. I’ve seen more live music this past week than I have seen in a long time, and it helps take my mind off the endless stream of news. I’ve also seen visual artists sharing like never before, and it’s inspiring because I know they are in pain.
Then of course there is everyone else… Entrepreneurs who are suddenly reinventing themselves and finding ways to give back and help. The parents who are now home schooling their children… The small business owners, restaurant workers, those who have lost their jobs, and the folks who are in complete limbo and stuck at home watching their bills roll in. It’s a scary time for all.
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This was all going through my mind when I wrote this song. I don’t know that words can encapsulate the entire picture of what we are all going through. Still, I felt compelled to let it all out in a song. The next couple of days I sat down and began to write the other parts bringing in drums, percussion, strings, an organ, and an electric guitar. I’ve cried several times throughout this songwriting journey. Both my wife and I have cried tears of sadness and fear, but mostly for the human race and those who are in desperate need now.
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As I write these words we are healthy, and we are at home in Connecticut. We have only gone out a few times to get groceries. While we play it safe at home we continue to create and share as much as we can. When we are creating or sharing we feel as though we can be present and in the moment. So, we have been live streaming music performances and art related variety shows on Facebook at @Artist Charles Maring… We hope you will like, follow, and be with us for future live streams. Chat with us, and let us know you are with us.
We are in the same boat as everyone else. We are small business owners who have always survived off of our creativity, and that should pretty much say it all. We are facing many challenges. But, as the song states “as long as we have each other, we will be ok.” Wishing you all safe passage through these struggling times.
All the best… Charles and Jennifer