Summer of Love - A Grateful Dead Tour Anthem

“A Grateful Dead Tour Anthem”
Summer of love is a one of the many stories from my youth. After high school in the 90's myself and a group of close friends would catch legs of Grateful Dead Tour whenever we could. Along the way we caught shows all over the east coast, and all the way out west to Colorado where we lived high in the mountains during the winter months working at ski resorts and snowboarding everyday. From there we would drive out to the Oakland and San Fransisco areas to catch show for Halloween and New Years. Some of these friends I keep in touch with, and others are just a part of many beautiful memories along the way. I wrote this song thinking about them, and all the cool people we spent time with on those journeys. This time in life was all about freedom, the epic American road trip, dancing, celebrating life, love, and great music. This song is brimming with great memories of days gone by. Thank you to The Grateful Dead for being one of the many soundtracks to my life over the years.
Learn more about my music and art on my personal website
Music has inspired me as a visual artist as well. I animated this music video to help tell the story of the song, and there is separate but similar rendering of the footage that can be projected behind myself or my band when we play out live. I have a series of animated video art projections that coincide with each song, which tuns the storytelling lyrics into a visual sensation that gives the performances an emotion impact. This is part of how Im overlapping the art forms in creative ways. Reach out to learn more about my music, or to hire me as a video artist and animation expert on on of your own projects. The sky is always the limit here at our studio.